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Prenatal Care at North York General Hospital


This web site home page is provided as a service to my patients. It is
not intended to solicit patients, since all our patients are seen by referral
from their family doctors, or a specialist physician.
I am a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology with an office based practice
with focus on well women checkup, gynaecology, early obstetrics, menopause,
family planning including IUD insertion and removal, and nexplanon insertion and removal.
Please do NOT use the web for medical advice. And do NOT leave urgent
messages on my e-mail.
Please read the disclaimer that is placed at the bottom of this page.
Nicholas Pairaudeau

send us your comments and suggestions to help improve this site.

9/18/2022 with other browsers, you can download the file and open
9/18/2022 To see the prenatal care please use edge not chrome as your browser
9/4/2022 Contact us : 416 226 1661 .
9/4/2022 Please do not used the medical forms area as they are changing and you will be checked in the office
9/4/2022 The office is open during business hours. Please be aware that some teleconferences maybe slightly late.
Family Planning